

U Pošty 26

533 52 Staré Hradiště

Czech Republic






+420 466 415 755











The chairman of the Board of RCD Radiokomunikace Mr. Tomáš Ditrt was elected chairman of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Pardubice Region for the election period 2023 to 2026 at the extraordinary meeting of delegates of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Pardubice Region.

2023 – Israel Projects. We successfully carried out 3 larger projects for an Israeli customer. These included technology delivery for indoor and underground areas coverage with a radio signal in 160MHz and 700MHz frequency bands. Due to the greater number of transmitted services and their mutual frequency proximity, the development of associated circuits that would ensure sufficient mutual isolation of individual systems was a big challenge. Two of the mentioned projects will continue in the following years when additional technology should be delivered to expand the current coverage area.



Radio systems deliveries

RCD Radiokomunikace has delivered a list of products to GSM Telefónica, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic . These are so called turn-key projects which include project preparing, engineering, production, assembling and putting into operation. Among them are the following:

  • 100 outdoor outposts with base stations.
  • 250 outdoor outposts with repeaters.
  • 170 outposts with microwave connections.
  • 10 outposts with special requirements as for the connecton (Ruzyně airport, congress center Praha, O2 Aréna Praha, road tunnels etc.).
  • 56 outposts of the metro Praha equipped with our originally designed and made repeaters.


RCD Radiokomunikace provides Hot-line service for all its delivered devices, that is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Radio connection on the railways

RCD Radiokomunikace has developed a duplex analog transceiver type MTR450, which is used specially for HW and SW integration to the system  DUAL-MODE GSM-R. These ransceivers are produced in cooperation with a German company HFWK, which has been developing and producing railway radio systems for local and international railways since 1982. The experience of both companies was used during the development of  DUAL-MODE GSM-R, the locomotive terminal meant for voice and data transmission. Module architecture of this device enables realization of the system in several variants, which are able to ensure the operation on local and international railways. More than 8000 of these locomotive radio terminals are used on raiways in Germany and neighbouring countries.
The single modules of the system are designed as cards which are inserted into 19“ panel, which is located in different boxes which meet the EMC requirements, IP covering and temperature resistant. The concept of the device provides easy and fast module changing and optimal solution of different variants according to customer demands. It also ensures effectiveness of diagnostic system, fast service and low cost of railway staff training.
RCD Radiokomunikace has also developed the next transceiver type MTR451, which meets the SNCF demands (French railways) and which is currently being produced for them. So far 5000 pieces have been delivered.


More information about the systems of radio connection on railways is here.


Radio connection in metro

Concerning the radio connection in metro, RCD Radiokomunikace cooperates with GSM operators, Transport Company of Prague and Ministry of Inferior of the Czech Republic. For metro Praha we deliver radio system TETRA  and TETRAPOL on turn-key, that is project preparing, engineering, production, assembling and putting into operation. RCD Radiokomunikace is preparing the upgrading of radio connection for ensuring secure trains operation.


Radio net in metro Praha (service) Frequency band
Police of the Czech Republic (special net) 80 MHz
Transport Company (original radio service net for the connection with trains) 160 MHz
TETRAPOL (Police of the Czech Republic – Integrated Emergency System.) 400 MHz
TETRA (Transport Company of Prague, Municipal Office of Prague.) 450 MHz
GSM (GSM operators: Telefónica, T-Mobile, VODAFONE) 900 MHz


Radio connection in tunnels

RCD Radiokomunikace delivers systems for ensuring radio connections in tunnels and other underground areas. We have provided drafts, production and installation of the devices for radio signal covering in the following tunnels:


Road Name Draft Production Installation Year
Městský okruh Praha
Strahovský tunnel 1997
Metro Praha Tunnel stretch      I.P.Pavlova - Muzeum 1999
Městský okruh Brno Husovický tunnel 1999
Městský okruh Praha

Letenský tunnel

Slovenská dialnica D1 Tunnel Branisko 2003
Městský okruh Praha Tunnel Mrázovka 2004
Městský okruh Praha Control room Strahov - reconstruction 2004
Slovenská dialnica D3 Tunnel Horelica 2004
Dálnice D5 Tunnel Valík 2006
Dálnice D8 Tunnel Libouchec 2006
Dálnice D8 Tunnel Panenská 2006
Městský okruh Brno MÚK Hlinky 2007
Dálnice D1 Tunnel Klimkovice 2008
Slovenská dialnica D1 Bôrik - IRS only - 2009
Silniční okruh kolem Prahy Komořanský tunnel 2010
Silniční okruh kolem Prahy Lochkovský tunnel 2010
Městský okruh Brno Královopolský tunnel 2012
Městský okruh Praha Blanka tunnel complex 2015
Dálnice D8 Tunnel Prackovice PD in 2016
Dálnice D8 Tunnel Radejčín PD in 2016
Městský okruh Brno Žabovřeská - - -
Slovenská dialnica D1 Šibeník - - -
Železniční tunel Vítkov - - -
Železniční tunel Plzeň - - -
Železniční tunel Beroun - - -
Železniční tunel Praha - Kladno 1 study - - -
Železniční tunel Praha - Kladno 2 study - - -
Železniční tunel Praha - Kladno 3 study - - -
Železniční tunel Praha - Kladno 4 study - - -
Železniční tunel Zahradnický study - - -


Turn-key development and production

RCD Radiokomunikace carries out development and production of radio equipment according to customer requirements including professional consultation, measurement and complex realization of the project.


Examples of carried out projects:

  • Fast mobile jammer for the Army of the Czech Republic.
  • Antennas and repeaters for radio system TETRAPOL for the Czech Repubic Police.
  • Radio connection in nuclear power station TEMELÍN.
  • Interference measurement and selection of the outpost of TETRAPOL net for the Czech Republic Police.
  • Measurement of the covering in metro PRAHA and in road tunnels.
  • EMC measurement in metro PRAHA (compatibility of radio nets).
  • EMC measurement and consultation on electric equipment induction for new metro trains made by Škoda Plzeň and Siemens.


Paging systems

RCD Radiokomunikace has provided large paging systems in the following companies:

  • Cutisin Jilemnice
  • Bosch Diesel Jihlava
  • Lighting Jihlava
  • Pardubice Hospital


Integration into international projects

RCD Radiokomunikace took part in development of cooperation tasks paid from the EU funds. The tasks were carried out by the team of specialists from Germany, Great Britain, France, Norway, Denmark, Poland and the Czech Republic.

WAVESHIFT – development and production of super high frequency (SHF) non-contact sensor. The Project of the EU - contract EC number COOP-CT-205-016927. The development was carried out from 2006 till 2007. The production is carried out in Great Britain.

OPTIPORT – development and and production of new more effective and safer transmission system for improving of transportation in the EU ports. The EU Project-contract EC number COOP-0033015-OPTIPORT. The development was carried out from 2006 till 2008. The production is carried out in Denmark.